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School of Health - Integrative Cancer Treatment - Integrative Oncology | Why choose Integrative Cancer Treatment instead of standard treatments?

Dec 20



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School of Health - Integrative Cancer Treatment - Integrative Oncology

Integrative cancer treatments are based on the idea that your body is designed to heal itself. The goal, therefore, should be to give it every possible chance by identifying and eliminating anything in your lifestyle or environment which could interfere with healing. Integrative cancer treatment will have you adopting healthy habits like meditation, diet changes, exercise, and nutritional supplements as well as traditional therapy such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

These treatments are not mutually exclusive but work together synergistically to maximize your chances for survival while minimizing side effects from any one therapy alone. You may also find yourself being prescribed natural remedies such as herbs and homeopathic remedies. The conventional cancer treatments of chemotherapy and radiation therapy are effective in killing tumor cells but they also damage healthy cells, leading to side effects like nausea, hair loss, and vomiting. Integrative cancer treatment helps to reduce these side effects by using natural methods to support the body. For example, ginger is often used to treat nausea while acupuncture can be used to help control pain.

Integrative cancer treatments are more personalized and tailored to your individual needs

Cancer treatments are typically based on the type of cancer all while ignoring your individual needs. Integrative cancer treatment is more personalized and tailored to your individual needs. The best way to get through this difficult time in your life is with a team that has your back. It’s important for you to feel like you have someone who will provide support, encouragement, guidance, and empathy during treatment because it can be tough when talking about these personal issues with doctors who are focused on treating the disease instead of the person living with it.

This makes integrative cancer treatments worth looking into if you want something that will work better for you as an individual. Integrative treatments use natural remedies alongside traditional methods in order to help heal both physical symptoms and side effects of the body after cancer treatment. Integrative treatments are more hands-on, one-on-one which helps make it feel less like a doctor’s appointment and more like you are having an open conversation with someone who is there to help you get through this difficult time in your life. With integrative cancer treatments, there never has to be that awkward or uncomfortable silence in the room when talking about something personal because it allows for you to find someone who truly wants to hear all about you to build a direct line of communication toward helping you heal.

Integrative cancer treatments provide holistic, non-invasive care that is safer for the patient

School of Health - Integrative Cancer Treatment - Integrative Oncology SingaporeIntegrative cancer treatments provide holistic, non-invasive care that is safer for the patient. Integrative cancer treatment offers patients a more personalized approach to their health care needs. Integrated medicine is more effective in curbing chronic illness because it focuses on treating the whole person rather than just one specific ailment or symptom. Integrated medicine seeks not only to cure but also prevent future illnesses by addressing the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of life. This kind of comprehensive approach can help people lead healthier lives with fewer visits to doctors’ offices and hospitals which saves time, money, energy, and stress levels for both patients and caregivers alike.

Integrative treatments are based on scientific principles that have been proven through research studies conducted at major universities and research centers around the world. Unlike standard cancer treatments which often involve harsh, invasive procedures and powerful drugs that can damage healthy cells and organs, integrative cancer treatments use natural methods such as herbs, vitamins, and supplements to help the body heal itself. 

Integrative therapies can also help with other health conditions such as diabetes or heart disease 

Cancer is one of the most common diseases in the world. It affects millions of people every year and unfortunately, many treatments are not effective or have very severe side effects. Integrative cancer treatments combine traditional therapies with non-traditional therapies to help improve the outcome for patients while reducing treatment time and side effects. They do this by combining herbal remedies, vitamin therapy, diet changes, etc., to achieve a better balance in your body’s immune system which can also lead to an improved quality of life after treatment has been completed. In addition, integrative cancer treatments can be used as complementary care alongside standard cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy even if they don’t replace them entirely.


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Cancer patients who choose integrative treatments have been found to live longer

There are many reasons why someone might choose integrative cancer treatment instead of standard treatments alone. One reason is that integrative treatments are more effective than traditional treatments. Cancer therapy is a complex procedure that includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment, among other things. Natural cancer treatments include dietary modifications and biofeedback techniques that may be used in combination with conventional therapies.

Integrative cancer treatment incorporates the best of both worlds by combining traditional modern medicine with alternative therapies like acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, and meditation. The goal of an integrative approach is not only to cure the patient but also to maintain wellness through prevention methods including stress management training or lifestyle adjustments geared towards reducing toxin exposure. It’s important for people considering this type of treatment not just to focus on the potential benefits but also to be aware of the possible risks involved. Patients should always consult with their oncologist before making any changes to their treatment plan.

There are fewer side effects from integrative therapy because it uses natural remedies

Integrative Cancer Treatment is a holistic approach to cancer treatment that combines conventional treatments with alternative therapies. It’s the best of both worlds, giving patients an option for healing when they are faced with life-threatening illnesses. Integrative therapy typically uses natural remedies instead of harsh chemicals and radiation, which can have side effects that range from fatigue to hair loss. When you choose integrative care in conjunction with your physician, you will be getting the very best care possible. The following article will show how this type of treatment can help heal someone who has been diagnosed with cancer or any other serious disease by providing them with multiple options for their recovery plan.


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