All About BMN Express

Choosing A Medicare Advantage Plan

Dec 16

Many Medicare beneficiaries opt to get their Medicare benefits through private health plans known as Guide To Selecting A Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C). These are offered by insurance companies and regulated and reimbursed by the federal government. Part C plans must offer, at minimum, the same coverage as Original Medicare (Parts A and B). Most include drug coverage in their plan. Medicare Advantage plans also differ in their rules, costs and provider networks.

When deciding whether to enroll in an MA plan, it’s important to review the costs and benefits of each option available in your area. It’s also vital to compare doctor networks and out-of-pocket costs to determine if you can select the best plan for your healthcare needs.

Medicare’s Star Ratings are one way to help consumers evaluate the quality and performance of Medicare Advantage plans. Each year, Medicare publishes ratings for these plans based on 38 unique criteria. Plans can earn one to five stars, and the higher the score, the better the plan. These ratings are helpful for comparing costs, out-of-pocket limits and other features, such as annual screenings and preventive services offered.

Another tool to help you compare costs and benefits is Medicare’s Plan Finder. This website allows you to search for all available Medicare Advantage plans in your region. It provides detailed information about each plan’s benefits, cost structure, physician networks and prescription drug coverage.

The website allows you to create a personalized list of available plans and can even send your results directly to your email address. You can then use this list to narrow down your choices and make an informed decision.

In addition to comparing costs and benefits, it’s important to know what your options are for postacute care and supplemental coverage. For example, not all MA plans offer home health and skilled nursing services, while others provide them at a lower level or may have limited availability. Choosing a plan that offers these services can help you avoid costly surprises down the road.

If you decide to join a Medicare Advantage plan, be sure to consider any employer or union-provided coverage that may impact your eligibility. Additionally, you’ll want to pay close attention to your initial enrollment period. You’ll have seven months — including the month you turn 65, the three months before and the three months after — to choose a Medicare Advantage plan without facing penalty fees.

It’s also important to remember that if you switch to a new plan, you’ll need to wait until the next open enrollment period to change back to Original Medicare unless you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). SEPs are typically available to individuals who lose their current MA plan due to employer or union coverage being terminated; whose current plan violates a contract provision with Medicare; who move to a different county; and those with exceptional circumstances.

SEPs are generally open from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7. Individuals may switch plans during this time and return to Original Medicare with or without a drug plan.

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