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LED Light Therapy for Wrinkles: How Effective Is It?

Oct 12

LED Light Therapy for Wrinkles: How Effective Is It?


One of the most natural and effective methods of reducing wrinkles is light therapy. This is simply the act of shining the correct colors and types of light on the problem areas.

Although LED light therapy for anti-aging might seem too good to be true it has been scientifically proven to have anti-aging effects. If you are interested in incorporating LED light therapy for wrinkles into your skincare routine, it is important to fully understand its principles.


Does LED light actually reduce wrinkles?


Studies have shown that infrared and red light treatments can improve skin tone, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and increase collagen density. As with all things, it is important to be educated and make informed choices about which products and companies you should trust. FDA has approved reVive Light Therapy(r), devices that have been clinically proven to work. We conducted clinical research on our anti-aging gadgets and found that 97 per cent of customers saw a decrease in wrinkles.


Numerous participants also noted that wrinkle reduction was not the only benefit.


Reduced skin discoloration and age spots

Skin tone improved

Eye puffiness reduced

The texture and tone of skin have improved.

The skin has a more youthful appearance due to increased levels of collagen and elastin.

Although it may seem like magic, the study and the before-and-after photos prove that it is not.


What type of light therapy is most effective in treating wrinkles?


Different light colors have different effects on the skin. Some of them can help reduce wrinkles.


Amber light penetrates the skin at an extremely shallow level. It promotes surface healing and reduces inflammation, swelling, and redness.

The skin absorbs red light 8-10mm. This stimulates cells and allows them to multiply faster, leading to healthier skin cells. It has been shown that red light can stimulate collagen and elastin formation, as well as cell renewal.

Infrared light penetrates the skin at 30-40mm. It stimulates cellular regeneration and lowers inflammation. This can help in the treatment of wrinkles as well as the repair or replace damaged tissues.

These lighting options can help produce anti-aging effects. While infrared and red light are often associated with anti-aging properties, amber light can make skin healthier and more radiant.


How to get the most out of light therapy for wrinkles


Your LED light therapy device should be used on a regular basis just like other treatments for best results. You can make the most of your LED light therapy device by including it in your skincare routine. Make sure to use it after you have washed your face. Light-blocking ingredients in sunscreen, makeup, and other top-of-the-line products can make LED light therapy less effective.


Combining light therapy with skin products such as serums or extracts can speed up the process.


Vitamin C serum/moisturizer: Vitamin C stimulates collagen formation, delivers skin-brightening antioxidants, and hydrates skin. This improves skin radiance, evens skin tone, and increases skin radiance. After your light treatment, apply Vitamin C serum or moisturizer. You need to give your skin enough time between each step to allow the serum to absorb fully.

Retinol can be used in combination with light therapy. Apply retinol-containing lotions or other beauty products within 5-10 minutes of using your light therapy device.

Anti-aging serums and creams not listed above: Hyaluronic acid, argan oil, and Peptides are all great ingredients to include in your skincare routine.

You can also create a holistic approach that incorporates LED light therapy as well as other best practices.

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