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Make Your Smile Look Its Best, Orthodontist in Lewis Center, Ohio

Oct 28

If you are looking for an Orthodontist in Lewis Center, OH, then look no further. We offer everything from braces to Invisalign and Damon Braces. No matter what type of orthodontia you require, we can help improve your smile with the best orthodontists in Lewis Center. Our orthodontists provide a full range of orthodontic treatments to help you achieve your smile goals and make it easy to maintain healthy teeth and gums. With our great orthodontists and staff, we are confident that we can provide you with the best orthopedics available.

Orthodontist in Lewis Center, Ohio

Lewis Center, Ohio, the orthodontist Lewis Center offers orthodontic treatment for young adults, teens, and children. These services include early interceptive care to help retain dental health and treatments using braces, dental implants Lewis Center and Invisalign aligners that can give you a beautiful smile. Mounts typically use ceramic brackets or invisible clear braces with traditional metal wires and elastics (rubber bands). The length of time it takes to complete an orthodontic plan will depend on your unique situation, and we’ll go over all this during your first visit when we take x-rays and impressions.

What is orthodontics, and why do you need it

Orthodontics at dental office Lewis Center is the practice of using dental appliances to improve your oral health. No matter what problem you’re experiencing, Orthodontist Lewis Center, Ohio, will help correct it. For example, you may need orthodontic treatment if you have misaligned teeth, overcrowded or spaced apart teeth, a bad bite (malocclusion), jaw problems caused by an injury or illness, TMJ disorder, crooked teeth that can't be corrected with braces alone.

The most common type of appliance used in orthodontics is a retainer.

A retainer is a device that orthodontic patients use to protect their teeth orthodontic appliances. Retainers are often used to hold things in place or retain the braces. Usually, the orthodontic dentist Lewis Center will give the patient one before they leave their dental clinic Lewis Center. Some types of retainers include lingual retentive orthodontic retainers, lingual orthodontic retainers,  lingual orthodontic clear retainers, posterior bite splint orthodontic retainers, maxillary arch orthodontic, clear orthodontic toothbrushes. Orthodontists in Ohio will often encourage the use of retainers after orthodontic treatment has been completed because they can help keep your smile looking its best for years to come!

How to maintain your smile

Regular dental checkups are essential for orthodontic success. The orthodontist will catch any problems early to be treated before they start to cause too many problems. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily. Not only is this good for your orthodontist Lewis Center, Ohio, smile, but also your general health. Eat a nutritious diet that involves plenty of fruits and vegetables to ensure you're getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need. Also, be sure to brush your teeth after eating or drinking acidic or sugary foods and beverages, as these can wear away at your orthodontic appliances.

In the end, orthodontist Lewis Center, Ohio, is a great choice to ensure that you have healthy teeth from now until forever! These tips will help keep your smile looking its best, so it's ready for any special occasion or everyday happiness.


Dugas Dental & Carr Orthodontics

27 - 29 Neverland Dr, Lewis Center, OH 43035

(7400 690-2611