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Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Oct 25

Do you suffer from pelvic pain or any other condition that may be related to your pelvis? Pelvic floor physiotherapy in Fort Lauderdale, FL is a specialized type of treatment for those with these conditions. Pelvic floor physiotherapy has been shown to help promote recovery and improve the quality of life. The pelvic floor is an important aspect of health that many people simply do not think about. It plays a role in both our daily lives and sexual function, but it can also be easily injured through strenuous activities or other accidents. When the pelvic floor muscles are damaged, they may require physical therapy in Fort Lauderdale, FL to heal properly so you can live life without pain and discomfort.

Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a treatment for pelvic pain and urinary incontinence

The treatment can help men and women of any age. Pelvic floor physiotherapy Fort Lauderdale helps with pelvic pain in women due to a prolapsed vagina, uterus, or bladder. It helps with urinary stress incontinence - involuntary leakage when coughing, sneezing, or lifting something heavy. It also helps with Interstitial cystitis - painful inflammation of the lining of the bladder wall that makes it difficult for some people to urinate regularly. It usually affects only the lower part of your urinary tract but may spread into your kidneys if not treated properly. Symptoms include an urgent need to go all the time, discomfort while you are urinating, and other symptoms such as needing to pee urgently during sleep.

Pelvic floor physiotherapy is used to treat conditions such as stress, urge, or mixed urinary incontinence

Pelvic floor physiotherapy like physiotherapy for shoulder pain Fort Lauderdale helps treat conditions such as stress, urge, and mixed urinary incontinence. When you have pelvic pain or other symptoms related to your bladder or bowel control system, it may be time to consider visiting a specialist for help with pelvic floor physiotherapy.

Treatment options include exercises, biofeedback therapy, electrical stimulation therapy, and manual therapy

The pelvic physical therapy Fort Lauderdale of pelvic floor physiotherapists offer treatments that address incontinence and sexual dysfunction as well as pain during intercourse or lack of sensation during sex. They treat the root cause of your symptoms by using manual therapy techniques such as massage and myofascial release to free up tense muscles which can prevent you from experiencing orgasmic pleasure. The specialized exercises will help strengthen those weakened muscles so they become more flexible once again. Many women experience stress and urgency prior to their periods which we call Premenstrual Urgency Disorder (PMUD).

The goal of pelvic floor physiotherapy is to reduce the symptoms of your condition so you can live a more comfortable life

Urogynecology practice of Fort Lauderdale physical therapy offers services such as bladder prolapse repair & urodynamics, female incontinence treatments with advanced office procedures under anesthesia for women suffering from stress urinary incontinence (SUI), urgency or mixed urinary incontinence due to pregnancy, childbirth, or surgery


Physical Therapy Group of Florida & Cryohealth - Fort Lauderdale

2430 E Commercial Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

(954) 491-2021